Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Obama Nation" Review

Duh, duhh, ma na bah obahh, oo baamaa…. Obama (shaking head). Sorry about that. The hot chick from music video “Obama Nation” temporarily paralyzed my vocal chords. Something on my chin? No, that’s not drool. Just give me a sec…. (napkin wipe).

There! Now I’m ready to write a review of “Obama Nation,” an indie music video with a controversial message. (Maybe I just did.) How can you say anything bad about a film with a hot chick in a U.S.S.R. costume marching back and forth across the screen? I’m still having trouble seeing straight. It almost made me want to say, “Give Communism a chance!”

Of course that’s not the intend of the film’s creator, writer/director John T. Williams. His satirical approach to a propaganda film left no doubt about what side of the fence he’s on… Well, maybe. The film was so extreme and ridiculous, he could perhaps be satirizing satire itself. If he is, that man is way too deep for me!

Here’s the long and the short of it: “Obama Nation” was well done, fun and funny. A definite blow for freedom no matter what you believe, especially if you believe in the freedom of hot girls to wear whatever they want. “Down with oppression! Up with mini-skirts!” Kitten Marie Clayman, my hat (and coat and shoes) are off to you!

This film might be ridiculous, but there’s a message: What’s truly ridiculous is being called un-American just for saying what you believe. In a beautiful and distant future, all political discourse will be exactly like “Obama Nation.”

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